My Name is Scott Hulshof i am a Survivor of Addiction, abuse, bullying, Violence, homelessness, depression, incarceration, solitary confinement, overdose, and loss. Diamond life was born out of the resurrection of my life. Having experienced a transformational change as a result of transcending the barriers of Trauma, Abuse, Grief, Loss Substance abuse and difficulties in functioning and managing life on my own having struggled with the demons of my past for nearly 25 years.
8 1/2 years of incarceration ended and I thought I was done. I Went to school, got a good job, started a company, got engaged. Filled all the boxes of outside sources of fulfillment. none of it was enough. The accidental death of my childhood best friend tore me apart and it wasn’t long before i lost everything. 2 1/2 years later, a near-death violent attack and 3 overdoses later I found myself broken and destitute in a jail cell. 5 months passed before I was given a chance to go to treatment and even that wasn’t enough. Still clowning the chance I was given the universe came to collect on my soul. I was arrested again for new charges. I dropped to my knees and begged God for a chance, I wasn’t sure what I was praying to, but I prayed. God answered. I was given another chance but once and for all had to 100% surrender and what followed has been nothing short of a miracle. I made a DECISION to once and for all rid my life of destructive attitudes & behaviors, unhealthy lifestyle habits, dangerous routines toxic people, ego and being a victim.
I changed everything about myself, 100% Honesty, i admitted my whole life was a lie, and that i was absoluetly powerless over people places and things as well as my past and years of substance abuse. My attitude became unconditional gratitude for EVERYTHING. I Took responsibility for EVERYTHING, and I mean ALL of it. Perspective, it’s not personal and everyone suffers from a form of sickness and disease and therefore is bound in their behaviors to that sickness until such a time they are awakened to the reality of their plight and can make the efforts to change. all is forgiven. Love unconditionally no matter what believing that love IS the answer to everything just as much as Acceptance is for all of lifes challenges. and last but not least TRUST GOD, I haven’t been brought this far to suffer no more and if I was not supposed to be here I would not be here so I stopped being a fucking victim and started living my life to the fullest. I have transformed my life completely through a series of disciplined practices aimed at enhancing and growing a variety of aspects to life.
I believe through my extensive experience and acquired knowledge I can help you create a life worth living. A balanced life that is geared towards optimizing the 4 dimensions of a human being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Health.
My core values lye at the heart of this program and is the very foundation of what I believe is the solution to the lifetime of pain and suffering so many people are trapped in. My goal is to instill a little bit of the magic I have found along with growing a sense of self-worth, confidence, dignity integrity love and self-respect. Every person who follows us is automatically a family member and will remain as one for LIFE. Like the wave of an ocean we rise and fall as one, as we believe that we cannot do this alone and in building a family community we create a community of families…. All for one and one for ALL… Join us, Follow us and share the messages and inspiration of hope and Believe in the I’Mpossible of your life and together we can experience awesome. This platform is a metaphor for the often crushing a defeating pressures of life and over time its weight and burning heat has crushed us and smashed us down to be packed until a moment in the process a miracle happens and the universe unburdens us of the pressure and upon awakening we rise out of the ashes A precious and rare stone so beautifully and perfectly made in the image of the cosmos, I DIAMOND being carried in the talons of a resurrected Pheonix a mythical creature that represents a symbol of transformational change out of the darkest ashes of devastation and destruction. We all have a story and we have all suffered its not my intention to make light of it or discredit your experience my only desire is to help you see that NO MATTER what has HAPPENED to you, if you woke up, sober or a desire to get sober, or off the medications, substances, jobs, relationships, WHATEVER it is thats imprisoned you, and you are capable and willing, ANYTHING is possible. The only walls we are confined by are the ones we build ourselves.. join me on a journey of a million miles one step at a time.