Good evening kindred friends, So much of the pain I’ve suffered has been as a result of my failed attempts to BE something or someone I was NOT nor was i ever gonna be, in order to get the illusion of approval of others when in the end it would have never made the difference in my ability to be happy or find joy in belonging….Shakespeare wrote “To thine Own Self Be True” how true it has become for me as I no longer TRY as much as I just; Be myself. This journey into resurrection, to reignite a fire i was once born with has brought me to a place of pure joy and serenity. I have given up trying to “BE” something to anyone else and when i gave up trying to “Be Someone” to the world and became a nobody, i gained the world within and became a somebody to myself. HOW? I have love for who I am, so be true to yourself you won’t be disappointed because only YOUR approval matters. And the irony is when you love yourself and be true to yourself.. everyone else will follow suit..truth…God bless