The truth about addiction.

As a grateful recovering survivor of addiction. There is one extremely valuable lesson I have learned and come to fully accept as truth in this world is that everyone suffers from sickness and in the disease of addiction we are mere shells. Brainwashed and manipulated by a force so powerful it literally turns us into slaves and zombies so to speak. We engage in and carry out actions of immorality and disgust, engaging in behaviors that are no more a choice for us as is the involuntary convulsions of an epileptic seizure. I was once the drug-addicted slave junkie who did the world wrong at every turn. Lying, cheating, stealing, conning, manipulating, deceiving, pillaging and raping the world around me with no care and complete abandon to right and wrong, laws and moral integrity. Look at the streets and look at these suffering souls, walking the streets acting out the scenes of some of Hollywood’s most gory depictions of zombie enslavement. You think this is a lack of Willpower or merely poor decisions. You think this is a CHOICE? Men and woman, mothers, fathers, children, brothers and sisters of our society are trapped by a substance and entity of evil. They have been reduced to the cognitive survival function of rodents and animals and yet we still hum and haw over moral integrity and impose laws of extreme and harsh consequence with ZERO effect in reducing or curbing this epidemic. Still, we turn to a justice system labeled “Corrections” that offers little in the way of “Corrective measures” or a solution to help ease the pain and suffering of a massive amount of people who have been lost to the system a long time ago. I ask you this one simple question; If Jails let alone the system itself worked to correct the behavior as they claim, that is what the purposes is; WHY, are we building new ones? Even further to that WHY does this tragedy continue to spiral out of control? We take extremely devastated people who have been brutally abused by society and the system off the streets lock them in a cage give them very little in the way of quality and effective treatment or programming. Surrounded by hostile and negative peers, stuff them full of more pharmaceuticals to suppress their disease even more and then let them out to the exact same environment with little to zero structure, support, education nor tools of actual living skills that would help them to succeed, and expect them to figure it out then persecute them further when; big surprise they fail? How many more people are gonna die before we take this seriously and realize this is a HEALTH issue and look for alternative solutions to a system of Insane expectations? Regardless of WHY, these HUMAN BEINGS are suffering, the fact remains that its happening and the quicker we stop trying to band-aid this and point fingers or deny their right to fair and human compassion and care the quicker we can start a discussion on a solution that will bring back our kids, our parents family and loved ones that we so desperately miss. To deny the very nature of those who are suffering from real issues is to ignore the very privilege you have been blessed with, to have avoided the very suffering we have suffered, the trauma and torture of our past, yet we have all suffered and continue to suffer in some way. It makes us no more or no less deserving of the same compassion we all deserve no matter what we have been through or how we cope. Pain and suffering, addiction, abuse, and trauma don’t discriminate nor should we. We are all affected by this disease so let’s all do something about it. WE HAVE A VOICE LETS USE IT